Our Vision
Saskatchewan’s Leaders Collective initiative comes from a desire to invest in the next generation of leaders. It is a collaborative effort of the Saskatchewan Mennonite Brethren Conference and its churches, camps, and ministry partners that aims to disciple these leaders in and through their own current contexts. The 6-month cohort-based program will draw together SKMB leaders (aged 22-32) actively engaged within our Saskatchewan MB churches and camps and deepen their capacity to lead as followers of Christ.
ApplyOur Team
Leaders Collective works with partner organizations — Multiply, Mennonite Brethren Seminary, Mennonite Central Committee SK — as well as leaders from our Saskatchewan MB churches and camps. The program is administered through the Developmental Leadership Team (DLT) of the SKMB conference with support from local Multiply staff.
Leaders Collective Planning Team
What is Leaders Collective?
Equipping Leaders to Lead
Leaders Collective is invested in the local church. It is designed so that churches can invest in their young adults from the outside while still journeying with them from within. Mentors from home churches will walk with each participant helping to establish or affirm a culture of mentoring within the church. Intensives and workshops will be utilized to build community among young adults through SK, deepen the participants relationship with Christ, and provide them skills to lead others into ministry.
This low-cost learning opportunity is designed to be accessible for lay-leaders and/or current or potential vocational ministers.
Alivin Corondo
Networking Lead
Leaders Collective Provides
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Intensives and Workshops
There are 2 weekend intensives and 2 workshop days that are designed to give opportunity for a focused investment in the participants. There will be elements of personal and spiritual growth, community building, and training in these times together. A big part of Leaders Collective is also the relationships between the participants and experienced leaders from our SKMB churches, camps and ministry partners. The workshops and weekend intensives give opportunity for these relationships to flourish.
Read moreMentoring
Participants in the Leaders Collective will each be paired with a mentor from their local church. These mentors are put forward by the churches and training will be provided for them through a number of resources. They will journey through the six months meeting bi-weekly. Additional opportunities for mentoring will be provided through relationships built at the intensives and workshops.
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Opportunities for individualized learning and growth will come through ministry in one’s local church context, personal biblical and other readings, the regular practice of spiritual disciples and written reflections. Flexibility will be given to fit the individuals learning styles and interests.
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