
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Our Saskatchewan History

Chapter 1

Pioneers began the church.

The story of Mennonite Brethren in Saskatchewan is far richer that most of us suspect. They’ve played a key role in the growth of our church across Canada. Of course, they had a significant role opening up the prairies, but they were also leaders on a number of fronts for the church. What few today realize is just how often Saskatchewan Mennonite Brethren played the role of starters for Mennonite Brethren elsewhere in Canada. They were the first to open a Bible school, the first to begin a radio ministry, the first to run a camping program, the first to begin a widespread home missions program, the first to embrace the shift to the use of English in their churches in the Canadian brotherhood. There is a remarkable history with important insights. They shared their wealth of leadership with the entire Mennonite Brethren fellowship.

To read more about our fascinating history you can order this book for yourself at the Mennonite Historical Society website. http://mhss.sk.ca/books/index.shtml

Our Canadian and Global History

The Mennonite Brethren family in Canada and around the world.

Meet the Mennonite Brethren family through story, historical account and theological understandings. Discover why they are known as “people of the book,” what they believe about peacemaking, and how they work together in higher education, Christian education, world missions and publishing. Complete with bibliography and glossary.

This book can be ordered from Kindred Productions (click here)



Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples.

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Encouraging, equipping and partnering with the church along mission pathways!

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