
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Pastor Credentialing Orientation

What is it?

A pastoral-equipping and orientation event, led by MB Seminary faculty and Canadian Conference staff. It is for those who are new to ministry within the Mennonite Brethren Conference and for others who are seeking a refresher on Mennonite Brethren history, theology and resources. Those who attend and complete the requirements are eligible for pastor’s credentialing through their respective provincial Conferences.

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What do pastors attending have to say about it?

"Going to the Pastors Credentialing Orientation was a valuable experience to understand who we are as a denomination and how we work together. Going through the history of the Mennonite Brethren it is apparent that we are a people with a passion to share the Gospel of Jesus wherever we are. Thankfully, the PCO highlighted that we are not alone in this endeavor as we have a vast network to help equip and support us for this mission." 
- Pastor Michael Anderson - Faith River Christian Fellowship, Saskatoon

"The Pastor Credentialing Orientation was a great experience for me because I could more understand the Mennonite Brethren Church through the MB story presented by Bruce Guenther. My personal challenge was that there were 20 men who stood and went to preach the gospel without caring about their lives and in 2 years there were just 5 men that we read about them in Hebrews 11:35-38. The present world needs people who have the zeal of the Gospel. I was encouraged by the strong biblical Confession of Faith which made me proud to join the MB family. I also appreciated all the teachers who reawakened me to the Great Commission of our Lord.
We had very good fellowship getting to know each other. We visited two new churches and very much enjoyed the healthy meals at Westwood Community Church."
- Pastor Athanase Chiruza - Mission Pentecostal Church, Regina (seeking membership with the SKMB)

"I really enjoyed the PCO, both the teaching and the fellowship. What impressed me the most about the meetings was the level of academic teaching and the passion with which they were given. The love that was shown by the participants was evident and when people prayed for one another they prayed heart-felt prayers. Also the street ministries struck a chord within me and literally moved me to tears. It was both an educational and an emotional experience that impacted me greatly."
- Pastor Ron Mills - Riverbend Fellowship



Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples.

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Encouraging, equipping and partnering with the church along mission pathways!

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