
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Pastors Credentialing Orientation | SKMB

Pastors Credentialing Orientation

An equipping and orientation event for all pastors in an MB church in Canada. PCO is a National Faith and Life Team event, supported by MB Seminary faculty and Canadian Conference staff. It is for those who are new to ministry within the Mennonite Brethren conference and for others who are seeking a refresher on Mennonite Brethren history, theology and resources.

Attendance and completion of Pastors Credentialing Orientation is a requirement for pastoral credentialing through the pastor’s respective provincial conference.




Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples.

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Encouraging, equipping and partnering with the church along mission pathways!

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Recent News

Apr 25, 2024


In God's Image

In God’s Image: A Vision for Being Human

MB Seminary is hosting a live webinar on May 9 to explore a biblical vision for what it means to be human. The event will include four presentations and a moderated question and response time. Please join church leaders from across Canada as we seek to follow Jesus faithfully in our broken and confused world. Visit mbseminary.ca/navigate/being-human to learn more and register. 

Apr 17, 2024


The Sun Stopped Shining

When things went dark, God prevailed.

On April 8, 2024, millions of people from around the world watched a total solar eclipse of the sun. Many traveled to place themselves in the Path of Totality where they would experience the moon completely blocking the light from the sun. It was an event of a lifetime for all.

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