
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Assembly 2024 | SKMB

Assembly 2024

Bridgeway Community Church and Grace Community Church hosted the 78th SKMB Assembly (March 22 – 23). Some 90 participants from member churches and camps joined together to hear about the work of global, national and provincial MB ministries and partners. Three speakers (Paul Loewen, ABMB Executive Director, Mike Engbers, lead pastor at Parliament Community Church and Darren Kennedy, lead pastor of Bridgeway Community Church) spoke on the theme Move! Called to act, called to mission.  Some quotes from the speakers:

“Leaders, your hopes may never come to fruition as you planned, but let them remember your faithful walk.”

Paul Loewen

“God calls leaders not because he needs them, but because he wants to transform them.”

Mike Engbers

“We must have a greater fear of God, then men.”

Darren Kennedy

In the State of the Union address, Phil Gunther (SKMB Director of Ministry) stated in part:

The international corporation Peloton is famous for being both a fitness product retailer and a purveyor of motivation.  Its most recent motto is: “Motivation that moves you – helping people lead healthier and happier lives.” Although Peloton’s messaging is for those needing or wanting to improve the status of their physical health, my interest was piqued because I think there is a powerful principle here for my own discipleship. I’m thinking about how often I feel stuck in my journey with Jesus. There are times (more than I like, really) when I wallow in my circumstances. I came across a person who shared with me: “My whole life can be described in this way – It didn’t go as I planned.” These are sobering words. 

Whether you see your whole life as not turning out as you had hoped or just a particular season of it, we all could use some inspiration and motivation to not muck-about in that mindset. Like Peloton, Scripture provides us with motivational narratives and commands that can help us in regaining traction and moving forward in faith and service.

Recently I was journaling, the focus of my writing was articulating how I was feeling about my discipleship. It was a recounting of distress, disappointment and doubt. As is my practice, I then engaged in listening prayer. The Spirit gave me a sobering word – “Move.” Move around your distress, move past your disappointment and move through your doubt. Don’t churn in your crumbling and self-pity, move! Tennis pro Arthur Ashe said, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Just move.

As we follow Jesus, we will enter into circumstances where we can become stuck – stuck in sin, stuck in indifference, stuck in worry, stuck in fear or doubt.  God never wants disciples to be stuck in their circumstances.  Rather, he wants them to move forward.  He wants us to mature and become like him despite their situation.  We may fail, but let’s fail forward.  We may fall, but let’s fall forward.

SKMB, MOVE! “Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can.”

Assembly highlights:

  • The Executive Board reported that the SKMB ‘trellis’ which supports the mission of the Conference is robust even though more workers are needed for its ministry teams.
  • Parkland Community Church (Yorkton) and Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel have ended their ministry. Hafford Gospel Fellowship has rescinded their 2023 request to withdraw their SKMB membership and is now on a path to full restoration.
  • Only two churches are actively searching for lead pastors (Anchor Church, Regina and Northwest Community Church, Meadow Lake).
  • Student bursaries and internships are increasing and SKMB is strategically positioning itself to meet the demand.
  • A revenue budget of $203,500 and an operational budget of $190,000 was passed. A strategic investment of $59,000 was also passed with the inclusion of a $17,500 subsidy provision for the 2024 Banff Retreat. 
  • Gord Schroeder (Moderator) and Dave Foth (Treasurer) were elected to continue serving on the Executive Board.

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