
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

2024 Pastors Credentialing Orientation - Testimonies | SKMB

2024 Pastors Credentialing Orientation - Testimonies

Praise God for the opportunity to attend the PCO. I truly believe this is enlightening and beneficial for all new comers to MB and those called to leadership and ministry in the MB Conference. For myself, this brought answers to my why MB?  

From the very first day, I could sense the vitality and genuine passion of the leadership for sharing their love for Jesus, their knowledge, and their experiences in ministry. I felt the unity of the Holy Spirit at work throughout the week ministering and enriching us as community and family focused on Christ’s love, inspired to share the Gospel with love and peace, building the Kingdom, with an anticipation and excitement that only He can bring to our lives. The sessions were very well done; each presenter being engaging and personable while sharing. The participation of partners in ministry and multiple venues really added value and perspective to the whole experience.  

I left the PCO excited and inspired; not just having a greater understanding and clarity of the MB family, mission and purpose, but as well having an anticipation for the future and what God can accomplish in and through us as His servants. 


Pastor Doug, Borden, SK.

Attending the 2024 PCO was an instrumental step for me in developing my understanding of the Mennonite Brethren and the role that our national and provincial conferences are called to play in Canada. As a newcomer to the SKMB conference, I was eager to learn more about the MB distinctives so that I might better embody the values of the conference. Each presenter was well-prepared and knowledgeable when it came to their given topic. During and following each presentation, I found myself engaged in conversation with other new pastors who inspired me with their passion and vision for ministry. Naturally, we often exchanged the stories of our respective calling to join MB churches. Joining this sort of “cohort” created strong comradery and excitement around what the Lord was doing in each of us as we joined the conference.

Ultimately, the 2024 PCO was a very well-organized event with a rich variety of activities, learning environments, and natural opportunities for social engagement with pastors I had never met before. I came away with strong new relational connections and a more robust understanding of the vision, values, and current spiritual calling of the MB conference. I am very thankful for the effort and intentionality that was put into the event!

Pastor Matt, Saskatoon, SK.



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2024 Pastors Credentialing Orientation - Testimonies

Pastor Doug from Borden, SK and Pastor Matt from Saskatoon, SK share their testimonies from Pastors Credentialling Orientation that they attended.