
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

A Gift That Will Keep Giving | SKMB

A Gift That Will Keep Giving

A new barn at Redberry Bible Camp

This spring Redberry had the privilege of acknowledging the significant influence Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel has had on the camp over the years. 

Earlier this year Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel made the difficult decision to close their doors. While we grieved this loss with them, we also celebrated the legacy and impact they had in the community of Blaine Lake and surrounding area, including Redberry Bible Camp. Even as they closed their doors their thoughts were on Redberry as they donated a significant amount of funds and items from their church to the camp.

In response to the funds given, Redberry was able to build a much-needed pole-barn shelter for our horses. The horse program at Redberry has held a special significance to Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel as long-time members Lew and Ruby Wall were founders of this program. In 1968 as the program was established Lew was involved in training up newly weened horses to be used at the camp. Since then, many others from Blaine Lake have taken specific interest in this program so it was with this invested interest in mind that we choose to dedicate their new Pole Barn to the memory of the Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel.  

Thanks to the help of a crew of workers that BP Banisters in Saskatoon supplied to the camp we were able to construct the shelter and celebrate it along with the members of Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel in late spring with a brief coffee and an opportunity to meet the horses that will be enjoy the new structure. 

We, at Redberry, are so grateful for those that have chosen to invest in the camp and have been blessed greatly by Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel over our many years working together. We will miss this little rural church community but hope they will be remembered in this tribute to the legacy of Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel as it lives on at Redberry Bible Camp.

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A Gift That Will Keep Giving

A new barn at Redberry Bible Camp

This spring Redberry had the privilege of acknowledging the significant influence Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel has had on the camp over the years. 

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