
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Finding Leaders For Tomorrow’s Churches

The story is told of a young person who was asked by an elder in the church, “So you are still teaching? When will you make the move and become our pastor?” The reply came quickly, “When the church asks me to make the change.” Within a year the junior high teacher was a pastor. Why? The church asked him to make a change.

As a church we are often surprised when people we thought might become pastors or missionaries pursue other vocational choices. At the same time we may be suspicious of those who have a single-minded pursuit of ministry as a vocational choice.

This guide is intended to assist churches and individuals in finding a balance between individual initiative and the call of the congregation. It includes:

  • Suggestions for an overall approach to discernment 
  • The underlying values and philosophy that shape this process 
  • A listing of qualities to help churches identify potential leaders, and 
  • Detailed practical guidelines to the discernment process

The processes and resources provided in this document should be used thoughtfully, adapted to the local context, and bathed in prayer.

Even though one element of this document may apply more to either an emerging leader or those responsible for leadership development, close attention should be given to each part so that all involved can grasp the “big picture” of the discernment process. Using these materials will help you nurture emerging leaders as they grow into the calling the church has placed upon their lives. The contents may be adapted for your use or photocopied as needed.

Click here to download the full PDF resource.


Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples.

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