
"Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples."

Our Semi-Monthly Newsletter

The following is an archive of the Communiques that have been sent out. If you would like to be added to this email distribution list please contact Heather at office@skmb.ca or click here to signup.

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Supporting SKMB Churches and Camps in making disciples.

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Encouraging, equipping and partnering with the church along mission pathways!

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Recent News

Jul 10, 2024


A Gift That Will Keep Giving

A new barn at Redberry Bible Camp

This spring Redberry had the privilege of acknowledging the significant influence Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel has had on the camp over the years. 

Jul 10, 2024


Seeking Renewal and Revival

2024 Conference of African Diaspora Churches

From June 28 -30, some 200 members of Canadian diaspora churches met at Parliament Community Church (Regina). SKMB congregations Mission Pentecostal Church (Regina) and Carmel Pentecostal Church (Saskatoon) hosted the three-day event, while SKMB, Multiply and ABMB sponsored it. The purpose of the gathering was to inspire spiritual renewal and revival.

Jun 26, 2024


2024 Pastors Credentialing Orientation - Testimonies

Pastor Doug from Borden, SK and Pastor Matt from Saskatoon, SK share their testimonies from Pastors Credentialling Orientation that they attended.